NEHAWU Statement On The 36th Anniversary of COSATU
Wednesday December 01, 2021
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] joins the millions of workers across the country in celebrating the 36th anniversary of our federation, the Congress of South African Trade Unions [COSATU].
COSATU, since its formation on the 1st December 1985 has been a militant, fighting and a campaigning federation for workers’ rights and the broader struggles of the working-class in general. It has pursued a struggle for the total emancipation and liberation our people against all forms of oppression.
The federation in the last 36 years has been the voice of workers against exploitation at the workplace, it has managed to champion the interest of workers on a wide range of issues at a policy and legislative level.
As we reflect on this milestone of our federation, it is important to note that there’s still a mammoth task ahead for the organisation to defend collective bargaining and the rights of workers against the onslaught directed by the government and employers across various sectors.
There’s an objective to reverse the gains obtained by workers over the years and this is evident with how the government and the private sector have embarked on a process of implementing austerity measures which amongst others include jobs cuts, retrenchments, privatisation, cutting social spending, wage freezes and others.
COSATU is needed now more than ever before as a vehicle to unite all workers, fight capitalist exploitation and improve conditions of workers.

Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat
Zola Saphetha (General Secretary) at 082 558 5968;
December Mavuso (Deputy General Secretary) at 082 558 5969;
Lwazi Nkolonzi (NEHAWU National Spokesperson) at 081 558 2335 or email: